The last 12 days have been a world wind.  I’ve been on production with Trikaya Creative Group styling talent and being featured as  well for a cool project that will be launching in the next couple months.  Our trip included the colorful seaside town Cinque Terre, followed by Pisa, then I ate and drank my way through Florence.  The last stop was Venice. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Johnny Depp at the Venice Film Festival but unfortunately the production schedule didn’t call for celebrity stalking:( Now that I am back in the states I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into some fall must haves.  So stay tuned! In the mean time i’ve posted some behind the scenes pics from the trip. Enjoy! XO Sauci Style

IMG_7957Top: Reformation 

FullSizeRender“Shelby, lets go get a glass of wine?” 

FullSizeRenderOne glass later…YAY VENICE I’M IN LOVE!


FullSizeRenderMatilda does Venice…hat stolen from guy in the stripes

FullSizeRenderBehind the scenes…crew capturing the moment


FullSizeRenderStrolling the streets of Florence/ Boots Vince (old) Similar & on Sale HERE and Similar Here

FullSizeRenderAmazing restaurant in Florence

FullSizeRenderHmmm, how can I make for a run for it?! I spy Chanel

FullSizeRenderBreakfast in Florence…1 Rose Macaroon please



FullSizeRenderBeautiful town of Cinque Terre

IMG_8012THAT’S A WRAP!!!!!

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