SALE ALERT: Missoni Swim

SALE ALERT: Missoni Swim

This post is for those of you asking about my swimsuit on Instagram today.  It’s one of my favorite designers, Missoni, and it’s on SALE!!   Oh and you CAN get it wet!  LOL, that’s not a joke.  So many times I have tried different Missoni swimsuits and it says do not get wet. My thoughts are, as much as I would love to lounge around on a boat the fact of the matter is when it’s hot I want to get in the water. So finally a Missoni that is functional! When it comes to styling don’t just save it for a beach day, throw it on with white high waisted shorts or a maxi skirt.  And for those wanting to add a bit more style don’t be afraid to rock your turban with it!

Like what you see?  Follow me on snap chat and Instagram to stay up to date and get all my outfit deets.  I’ll be frolicking through the South of France with the beau the next 2 weeks and I look forward to sharing my outfits and styling tips, so don’t miss out!

Stay Sauci,


Missoni Mar One Piece  Wear it With Keepsake The Label Shorts

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